


On 18-19 October 2016, at the 43rd session of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs OIC, the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to establish the International Research Center named after Imam Bukhari (IRCIB) under the egis of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was fully endorsed by famous businessman and patron Usmanov A.B. The glorious son of the Uzbek people, who won universal recognition for his large-scale charitable activities, expressed his readiness to participate in the creation of a modern complex IRCIB.

This concept intended to specify the main issues related to the creation and further work of IRCIB, its goals and objectives, scientific educational projects, organizational structure and sources of financing for its activities.

The emplacement choice of the IRCIB is motivated by the role of Samarkand as one of the gems of Muslim culture, as well as the special spiritual and moral atmosphere of the village Chelak, where located the last resting place of one of the great thinkers of the Muslim world - Imam Bukhari.

Established as the research center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the IRCIB has the main goal of studying and promoting the comprehensive scientific and spiritual heritage of the great Muslim ancestors, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of human civilization. A special place in the IRCIB’s activities firstly will be given to in-depth study of the spiritual heritage of prominent thinkers of Central Asia, including the great muhadithes Imam Bukhari and Imam Termizi, theologian Imam Maturidi, lawyer Imam Marginani and others, and secondly to the wide occurrence ideas appealing for goodness and spiritual perfection especially among the youth.

The main IRCIB’s functions:

to conduct in-depth research on various aspects of the history of Muslim peoples in order to better familiarize the wide and also non-Islamic public with the Islamic world as well as to make encyclopedias, directories, albums, documentaries and other scientific output that contribute to the achievement of this goal;

to make annotated translation of the Koran and Hadith;

to provide scientific exchange between researchers and specialized institutes of the world dealing with the history of Islam, Islamic science, culture and art;

to create of favorable conditions for effective international cooperation in order to prevent attacks on the Islamic religion and the bearers of Muslim culture, as well as to strengthen mutual understanding between Muslims and other faiths representatives;

to arrange the conferences, symposia, exhibitions, competitions and other scientific and educational events aimed at enhancing international cooperation in the study and promotion of the Islamic civilization achievements;

to conduct the professional development courses for domestic and foreign researchers, as well as to provide conditions for the organization of the practice of students of higher educational institutions specializing in the history, culture and spirituality of the Islamic world.

The IRCIB implements a wide range of scientific and educational projects. The projects will be devoted to the in-depth study of the religious and spiritual heritage of medieval Muslim thinkers in the field of Tafsir (Islamic exegetics), Hadith studies, Kalama (Muslim theology) ifikha (Muslim law). They will also cover exact and natural sciences, including mathematics, astronomy, medicine, Mineralogy, geography.

The main objects of the IRCIB’s activities are the Islamic civilization achievements in Central Asia, the manuscript heritage of its people, human values on the Silk Road, the promotion of stored in the member countries of the OIC of the rarities of Islamic civilization – the Koran and other unique its handwritten copies, ancient manuscript versions of the Hadith’s collections, etc.

The IRCIB will have its own scientific publications, including the scientific reports in Uzbek, English – Arabian – Russian scientific journal, popular scientific magazine “The Lessons of Imam Bukhari”, and thematic review anthology and its own website as well.

The IRCIB’s organizational structure includes a Board of Trustees and the Advisory Board of prominent national and foreign public figures, patrons and scholars. Including the manuscripts’ research and publication department, it will consist of specialized departments of the spirituality and educational, the international cooperation, the department of information technology and resources, and the specialized commissions, etc.

The IRCIB’s infrastructure includes administrative research building dedicated to administration and research staff. It will house working rooms, information resource center, manuscripts depository, laboratory for their restoration, exhibition hall (museum), conference hall for symposia and other events, including international ones, as well as online videoconferences, etc.

The main sources of the IRCIB’s budget are financial allocations from the state budget, voluntary contributions from the member countries of the OIC, sponsorship funds of individuals and legal entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign states.